If you have a fibroid and or if you are suffering from excessive periods (longer than 10 days)  or peri menopause (pre menopause, age 38 - 50), you may have tried many remedies and you may be, like I was at your whit’s end as to what to do about excessively long periods and pain. I was having 1 month long periods with huge clots..... Later I found out I had a fibroid that was 9cm in diameter. In 1.5 years I shrank a 9 cm fibroid to 1 cm and have solved my bleeding problem. Below I detail how I shrank it and then stopped the bleeding. I was bleeding so much I could not be without a bathroom for even 1 hr, I even bled through my pants in the theatre onto velvet seats one night. It was horrible. I have now stopped my bleeding and recovered.  


At age 42 I noticed that my periods began to last longer and longer. I had never had problems - had always maintained a healthy lifestyle and not been overweight. My period worked like clockwork (even on the pop aka mini pill = progesterone only) and suddenly I had heavy clotted flow for 7 whole days. Before that I had a heavy flow for one - two days and then it would peter off.  My belly felt tight and compressed. At age 44 I began to have debilitating cramps. At one point I lay on the floor and pleaded with my 10 years old to get me 4 advil with water as I could not move from the stabbing pain that would last about 2 minutes. I had gone off my mini pill (progesterone only) and I think this and my age (hormonal changes that occur naturally) as well as intense stress from a divorce from a narcissist as well as being bullied at work triggered an extreme hormonal imbalance.In retrospect I realize I became estrogen dominant.My extra belly fat increased my estrogen even more and I believe I had endometriosis and I know I had a fibroid that was growing from scans that were done - fibroids FEED on estrogen and fibroids bleed "like crazy" as one of the 2 obgyn's said. I also began to have periods that lasted 2 weeks - then 3 weeks. I did not realize I was becoming anemic also. Then at age 45 I had my period for almost a whole year with one week breaks. This made me very tired - anemia fatigue does not go away with sleep - so no matter how much I rested (my flexible work schedule allowed me to), I felt drained all the time. I was then unable to work out due to fatigue. Being  a PhD student I had become an expert researcher - in anything (of course!) and I dug into the internet and medical articles.
I found Chinese medicine (Yunnan Baiyao), abdominal massage, hormone replacement and shepards purse tea, as well as mustard oil....  


My doctor immediately put me back on the mini pill (progesterone in the form of norethindrone 0.35 mg). It made a WORLD of difference - the pain was gone. But the bleeding continued. However a few months later after reading a medical article, my doctor also prescribed me a short course of norethindrone 5 mg. This is a much higher dose and it is used to treat abnormal bleeding in women (called amenorrhea) and endometriosis. The 5mg high dose norethindrone was like a miracle - the bleeding stopped and I felt so excited about life again, had energy and my belly shrank. But she refused to prescribe me more than one weeks worth, stating it might increase my cholesterol and alter lipids leading to a danger of heart attack. She had also previous ignored my pleas of fatigue and visits when I simply could not function. She told me to exercise more and eat better (but I already do!). I found her to be patronising, since I already was eating tons of greens, nuts, fish, estrogen flushing diet and no carbs or red meat. Ladies -  if you have a doctor and have done your research, and this doctor disagrees with what you think works, try another one just to get an opinion. I live in a small town and I now know from talking with others also, that small town docs tend not to keep up with research. I drove to the nearest city.  Not only were they friendlier (I am a foreigner and often sense hostility from people here, I can’t put my finger on it, but this feeling is not there in cities!). The new obgyn told me - "sure, many of my patients take norethindrone and it is well tolerated. They have taken it for years. Research shows that during pregnancy we all have elevated levels of this hormone (progesterone) and pregnant women don't have more heart attacks. You should be able to tolerate this for the next 5 years until you hit menopause and then you will no longer have to worry." She allowed me to self dose and it has CHANGED MY LIFE. 

I can now be away from a toilet for extended periods, I control my period and I feel great. What's more, norethindrone is taken at night, helps you sleep and it also gave me back my inner zing (aside from stopping the bleeding - horay!). I was determined not to have surgery because I read so many bad stories about scraping the uterus  (ablation) and also taking out fibriods which then only grow back bigger. But I also used other things to shrink the fibroid, which I shrank before I found the norethindrone... Here is how I did it. ·       Eat a diet that flushes out estrogen and minimized estrogenic substances - read this book. Or this book. It includes consuming only organic dairy (in organic milk contains 500 times as much estrogen as organic milk!), stop eating pork, minimize red meat in favor of fish and lots of veggies


·       Take DIM, click here for an example. It contains cruciferous vegetable extracts and flushes out estrogen!

·       Take Yunnan Bayao - this will stop bleeding in emergencies and is used in China to literally treat gunshot wounds - last Christmas it literally SAVED MY LIFE. Buy it here and take it as a tea. It works. click here. The powder is the most economical although you can also get capsules. It is very hard to find and strangely enough the only place that has it fast is!? Or buy here.

·       Take Shepards Purse  (tea or tincture)- it helps stave off bleeding: Click here for tincture. Click here for tea.

·       Most important get an obgyn to prescribe Norethindrone 5mg per tab (also called Aygestin) - take 1-4 daily to stop bleeding. This medication literally changes how I felt (I felt happier again and energetic!!!). My anemia went away and it was literally like day and night - no more bleeding!!!! You will need a doc prescrption although you can get a first generation norethindrone online also (e-mail me if you want to find out more about that). Here is more info on this medication.

·       Norethrindrone 5mg is also taken for endometriosis. Yes it is the same as the estrogen free mini pill, but a much much higher dose. click here for info.

·       Rub Mustard Oil  or Castor oil on your abdomen morning and night.

·       Exercise! For me exercise became easier once the bleeding had stopped, but I always put in at least 10,000 steps a day.

·       Eat fresh greens etc and eliminate animal fat pork and beef.
Take Tumeric, freshly grated in tea of food as much as  possible or juice it with carrots. Keep a bulb in the freezer and grate it frozen!

•Try to loose weight Excess belly weight produces more estrogen and fibroids FEED off estrogen.
If you take a birth control pill that combines progesterone + estrogen, switch to a pop pill that contains no estrogen.
Loose belly fat with this electric belt, use it daily - it works! 

According to clinical studies, eating too much red meat increases your risk of uterine fibroids. Drinking alcohol also increases your risk.Eating excess refined carbohydrates and sugary foods may trigger or worsen fibroids. These foods raise blood sugar levels. This causes your body to produce too much insulin hormone. Avoid or restrict simple refined carbohydrates like:·       white rice, pasta, and flour
·       soda and other sugary drinks
·       corn syrup
·       boxed cereals
·       baked goods (cakes, cookies, doughnuts)
·       potato chips
·       crackers

Let me know about your journey,


Mme Dr. Gustave


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